1. Catch up on Netflix
With most of our workdays being reduced literally to 8 hours these days because our commute times have been reduced to turning on our computers, there’s now time for SO many things! Catching up on Netflix is high on a lot of people’s to-do lists. Binging through Jessica Jones, Stranger Things, Altered Carbon, Black Mirror, or The Crown appeals to most people’s sense of instant gratification. If you’d care to take your binging to the next level, you could start a binge club with like-minded friends and coworkers so you could discuss and recap all the events together, virtually.
2. Cleanup
How many times do you tell yourself that you’re going to clean (insert space in your home) when you have time, but the time never comes? The coat closet, attic, basement, the garage, etc. have been patiently waiting for your time and attention, but you’re always too tired, too busy, or just not interested. Well, since we are all quarantined to our homes for the next few weeks, there’s no time like the present! Get some trash bags, light up the fire put, breakout the shredder, whatever you need to do, and start your spring cleaning. Keeping your home COVID-19 free and your general wellness at it’s best is essential, there’s no time like the present to get your home germ and clutter-free.
3. Catch up on your reading
you’re like me and read for a living, finding time to read for pleasure can be extremely difficult. Or, maybe you want to get into recreational reading and have a list of books that continues to grow, but you can’t seem to find the time. Well, this governmental mandate for social distancing has provided us with the opportunity that we’ve been waiting for. Bars, movie theaters, restaurants, sporting events, and pretty much anything else you can think of has been shut down, so the ability to curl up with an excellent tome is irresistible right now. If you’re concerned about heading to a library or a bookstore, don’t worry. You can check out books virtually from your public library and purchase books electronically from Amazon, iBooks, and Kendall.
4. Get artsy
Are you an artist with a talent for painting, sculpting, drawing, or creating things? Maybe you just always wanted to try your hand at any of those activities but never had the time to dedicate. Either way, this extended shelter in place may be just what you needed to realize all of your Warhol dreams. Using household items, you could create various pieces that could find themselves adorning your coffee table, wall, or refrigerator.
5. Get your mobile devices organized.
How many photos do you have on your phone/tablet/laptop taking up space? Every time you open your phone, do you say to yourself how much you need to reorganize your phone but can’t bring yourself to sit down and get it done? Take this time to purge your iCloud of all the things that you didn’t know were there. Contacts addresses need to be updated, multiple contacts deleted, deleting unused apps, and adding essential information to contacts like birthdays and mailing addresses all await your attention. It probably doesn’t sound like something that your excited to do, but we guarantee that you’ll be glad you took the time to get it done.