Date And Time
Sat, June 6, 2020 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM EDT
Location Izaak Walton League of America- Loudoun County Chapter
19237 Mountain Spring Ln Leesburg, VA 20175
Purcellville and Loudon County love to hunt; that’s why Teach-N-Train Washington D.C. has made it their mission to educate the world about saddle hunting! To do this, they’ve launched a 100% FREE, 20 city tour in 2020 to help hunters learn about the benefits of saddle hunting. Even if you don’t hunt with Tethrd gear or prefer another manufacturer, you are still welcome to come on out and join in the fun with other hunting enthusiasts. This event is all about teaching. There’s no other place on earth to talk with the experts and learn the saddle hunting ropes.
This year they have partnered with saddle hunting maniacs from around the country to bring this TNT event to our area.
This event will include:
– Free lunch or dinner (depending on the time)
– All of their saddle hunting gear in one place so you can test EVERYTHING
– LOTS of giveaways and freebies
– Event-only pricing & discounts on Tethrd gear.
– Insider Access to yet-to-be-released gear
– Saddle hunting experts are available to answer all your questions and get you hanging!