This weekend, our Virtual Showing in the NG Open House Concert Series is none other than…. A SURPRISE ARTIST!
Come virtually tour this charming property www.nellisgroup.com/oak-tree to our featured artist this week. If you’ve tuned in before, you know that this is going to be GOOD. If you’re a first timer, you’re in for a sonic treat!
To learn more about the NG Open House Concert Series, visit nellisgroup.com/open-house-concert
And as always, The Nellis Group serves Metro D.C.
#NoVA #NorthernVirginia #NorthernVA #DMVrealestate #VArealestate #PrinceWilliamCounty #Woodbridge #WoodbridgeVA #WoodbridgeVirginia #TheNellisGroup #NellisGroup #TheNellisGroupServesMetroDC #NellisGroupServesMetroDC