Need an escape from the hustle and bustle of the city?
Visit the charming town of Davis.
Davis, in West Virginia, is the breathtaking weekend getaway destination you’ve been searching for. With a stunning waterfall you’re able to walk right up to and multiple gorgeous scenic trails you are able to hike on, a weekend in Davis, is exactly what the doctor ordered for you and your inner peace.
In the quaint town of Davis, life slows down for a bit. It gives you a chance to breathe in the fresh air and soak in the beauty of nature. You’ll find yourself never wanting to leave as you discover all the stunning views this lovely little town has to offer.

The locals living amongst Davis are incredibly passionate about living in their tiny town and you can always count on a genuine smile when passing someone by on your way to one of their many local businesses.
You’ll feel as if you’re straight out of a quirky dream as you stroll their sidewalks and saunter your way through their beloved community.

Davis, West Virginia is also home to plenty of local adventurers who live out their escapades on one of the many mountain bike and hiking trails Davis has to offer. Get your heart rate up and soar as you burn off the calories from all the delicious craft beer and local food. You can always rest in on of their large pristine parks once you’re done.

If you’re truly looking for a serene place to refresh your soul while you delight in outdoor recreation, artisan shops, live music, art, local restaurants and craft beer, then Davis is the perfect getaway for you. If you stay awhile you’ll probably even end up on a first name basis with the barkeep and local business owners, as the people of Davis welcome everyone with open arms.
Davis is even stunning at night, giving you a feel for what it’s like to live without constant racket from the city. Gaze up at the night sky and lose yourself as you are completely mesmerized by the sight of the brightest stars you’ll ever lay eyes on, entirely untouched by light pollution.
Finally and most importantly, you can also take the opportunity to pay your respects to every American Veteran who served for our freedom. Davis truly is a genuine town filled with love, pride and adventure.

Davis is also only ten miles away from three unique downhill and cross country ski resorts in Canaan Valley.
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