Long Branch Stream Valley Park is the serene escape you’ve been dreaming about. Consisting of 41 acres, this Stream Valley Park runs along Long Branch Stream and plays host to the Long Branch Trail. It’s great for hiking, exploring nature, and getting away from the normal hustle and bustle of Northern Virginia.
The bridge offers a stunning sight, but it’s underneath the bridge you will stumble upon pure tranquility and all the natural beauty there is to be explored. Locals have created tree stump chairs throughout the trails, providing easy resting areas where you will be able to listen to the peaceful babbling from the stream. There is also a swing set set along one of the trails, offering a fun break for the kids. You may also want to pack a basketball as there is a full-sized court hidden within this gorgeous green forest.
The Nellis Group has a beautiful property FOR SALE, only 2.4 miles away! Click here to learn more!

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